connect(); if($sock && $ftp->is_ok()==1 && $ftp->login($user,$password)) { $file = $_FILES['file']; $k = count($file['name']); for($i=0 ; $i < $k ; $i++) { if($i %2) { echo ' '; } else { echo ''; } $ftp->stor($file['tmp_name'][$i],$file['name'][$i]); echo '\n"; echo '\n"; // ob_flush(); } } else { echo ''; } ?>
Files Uploaded
File Name File size
' . $file['name'][$i] ."' . $file['size'][$i] ."
Files could not be moved to the FTP server

If you like mega upload please provide a link to us so that others will get to know about it.

This is a request and not a condition for use. You can use megaupload regardless of weather or not you provide a return link.